The final between Olimpia and Marathón will be played on Thursday evening and Sunday at 11:00 – ten

It’s official. National League confirmed the final programs between Olympics and Marathon, key that will start on Wednesday at 19:00 at the National Stadium in Tegucigalpa and will close at San Pedro Sula at an unusual time.

League He explained that the return match will take place on Sunday at 11:00 at Yankel Rosenthal. Yes, while reading it, at 11:00 inside the portlan.


The game at this time is unusual for honduras and more so when it comes to a grand final, because the greens generally set their matches at 14:00 or 15:00.

In the previous version there was controversy between the leaders of both institutions, because in Olympics reported that the final of the first round will take place on Thursday at 19:00 Marathon I wanted to turn off the tap on Saturday afternoon, but it has already been decided that it will be Sunday at 11:00.

What Leaders Said:

“We respect the decisions of the Marathon club (to play the second match on Saturday) and the regulations are clear. You know how many games we play. I played in San Pedro Sula at 3.00 in the afternoon at that time (group final) and I came from Orlando to participate in 8 degrees. We have to play in equal conditions, we are disadvantaged due to injuries due to all the problems, but we only schedule our match and we are waiting for the return match “, he said. Osman Madrid.

While in Marathon They replied: “Marathon informed the National League on January 4, the day the big final match was going to end, in order to inform the clubs that they are in the final. Even the National League informed both teams. On Saturday, at the meeting of the Board of Directors, I reiterated that letter that did not appear in the correspondence that appeared in the League, the secretary said that the games were on Wednesday and Sunday. I recorded it in the minutes to prevent these inconveniences “. It is now official and will be played from Thursday to Sunday.
