The face of the youngest son of Aracely Arámbula and Luis Miguel comes to light

As many know Aracely Arambula Yes Luis Miguel Although they became one of the strongest couples in the art world in 2005, and on January 1, 2007 and December 18, 2008 they announced the birth of their children, their love did not flourish and each went his own way.

From that moment, “La Chule” was very careful with her private life and even prefers not to talk about her little ones, which is why she rarely shows her face.

Despite this, on a completely relaxed day, she pampered her fans by showing a very intimate moment with her little ones.

In the video you can see Aracely in a car talking to her children, who asked her not to record them. – The lady who records.

However, it was too late, because the actress had already focused on the face of her youngest son, who inherited the beauty of his famous parents.

Luis Miguel and Aracely Arámbula had two children

Immediately the compliments were immediate, in which he emphasizes that the little ones have a special sense of humor, in addition to the fact that they are beautiful.

Luis Miguel and Aracely Arámbula had two children
