The Canadian airline uses pirated neon lights as luggage tractors

Illustration for the article entitled Canadian airline uses pirated neon lights as luggage tractors

Photo: Cody / Twitter (Other)

Looking at an airport to function can help you pass the time while waiting for a flight. As you watch the orchestra of people and vehicles preparing a plane for its flight, a luggage tractor will surely join the effort.

Bearskin Airlines at Thunder Bay International Airport in Ontario, Canada, has a very strange way of carrying luggage: it hangs its luggage carts from broken neon lights, an economy sold with Chrysler, Dodge and Plymouth badges – yet the same car. These seem to be since 1996-99 generation.

These images come from a Twitter epic thread from airline passengers. If you need a good laugh today, I highly recommend it. I’m used to seeing pirated Dodge Neons doing stupid stunts on a Gambler 500, which does not carry out serious operations at an international airport. Still, here we are.

Illustration for the article entitled Canadian airline uses pirated neon lights as luggage tractors

Photo: Dave / Twitter (Other)

I like! Apart from Neon, which clearly lacks a roof and doors, the airline seems to have two more with service bodies for golf carts grafted on the back. Woah. Once I stopped laughing, I realized that this actually made sense. Hear me out.

A decent luggage tractor like this TUG MA-50 it costs a lot of money. These are heavy machines designed to withstand heavy loads, many abuses and years of service.

Illustration for the article entitled Canadian airline uses pirated neon lights as luggage tractors

Photo: Old GSE sales (Other)

A Neon – especially a beaten one – costs a small part of the price of a luggage tractor. These are cars that an airline can buy $ 500. The destroyed ones are probably even cheaper. Take an alternate saw on the roof and install a towing hook on the back: Arm! You have a luggage tractor.

This is reducing the airline’s costs to the extreme. A cut Neon is not nearly as powerful or as rugged as a real luggage car, but airline passengers have reported seeing a small fleet of things over the years. So, they seem to be doing the job.

I like to see ordinary passenger vehicles adapted for aviation use, although certainly seeing a Neon transport around luggage is definitely a first for me. They remind me of 4×4 vans cut in half and adapted to pull floating planes around.
