The British teacher accidentally sends a poem about incest to the class

A British teacher ticked off her parents when she accidentally emailed her class a doctoral video reading of a children’s poem – which once made harmless prose about incest.

The unnamed teacher at Ings Elementary School in East Yorkshire intended to send her fifth and sixth graders a video with children’s author Michael Rosen reading his poem “The Car Trip,” Sun reported Thursday.

Instead, she sent the class a vicious parody of the story called “The Horrible Car Trip,” which combined the video to talk about incest.

“Teachers need to check what they send their children and not just be lazy and post random links that they haven’t checked,” said an angry father who listened to the video with his daughter.

“I heard her halfway the first time I was working, and she was sitting next to me and struggling to answer questions,” he said. “So I had to listen to the poetry correctly and I realized that something was wrong with what she was listening to and I stopped the video.”

He said the video aired more than an hour before it was shot.

The teacher sent the video via Google Classroom while teaching 9- and 10-year-olds at a distance due to the coronavirus pandemic, the press said.

Rosen, a popular children’s author, wrote “The Car Trip” about siblings arguing behind the family car during a trip with their mother – but the innocent story was turned into a sick parody on the doctoral video.

Red-faced school officials were forced to apologize for annoying their parents.

“The poem was loaded by mistake and we apologized for this real mistake,” school principal Kath Roe said in a message. “We would also like to thank the parent who contacted us immediately after noticing the error.”

“Changes have been made to the upload process and we will make sure that the content shared with our students has been carefully checked by our teachers,” she wrote.
