The Best Buy PS5 and Xbox Series X restock has customers calling it

Best Buy released both a PS5 restock and an Xbox Series X / S restock this morning and it didn’t go well. While both rests were largely substantial, both were just picked up at the store, meaning many reached the checkout to find out that not a single Best Buy near them had stock. Added to this are the issues with trolleys, which are currently just part of the shopping experience for the PS5 and Xbox Series X. And if that wasn’t enough for PlayStation customers, the PS5 stock has run out. quickly, especially compared to the Xbox stock, which, at the time of publication, is still available in a dispersed capacity.

While Best Buy sold both Xbox consoles, it did not have both PS5 models. Although it had a lot of standard PS5 for $ 500, the stock did not include a single digital PS5 drive, which is $ 100 cheaper due to leaking to a hard drive.

That said, in 2020 it was impossible to get a PS5 – and to a lesser extent an Xbox X series – due to incredible demand, limited supply and scalpers. These three factors are still at stake in 2021, but the problem of raising the store is added. Many retailers no longer ship, which means that customers in certain areas – especially in rural areas – find it extremely difficult to get a console. As you would expect, all this leads to even greater frustration.

Storage of lifting fights


Xbox gamers know that the struggle to take over the store


Beyond frustrated


More basket numbers


Too complicated


Saturated with that


I took them with the survey


I almost had it

