The Apple Watch may be able to detect coronavirus infection a few days before testing

The Apple Watch may be able to detect if a carrier has coronavirus a few days before being diagnosed or if symptoms appear, according to a new body of research.

In some cases, wearable devices, such as Apple Watch or Fitbit, can predict COVID-19 infection even before a user becomes symptomatic or the virus can be detected by standard tests, according to studies by a number of medical institutions. peak (through CBS news).

Medical researchers at Mount Sinai Health System in New York, for example, have found that the Apple Watch can detect subtle changes in a user’s heart rate up to seven days before an infection can be detected by testing.

The study of Mount Sinai analyzed the variation of time between heartbeats, a metric known as heart rate variability. Researchers say it is a good measure of how a person’s immune system works.

“We already knew that markers of heart rate variability change as inflammation develops in the body, and Covid is an incredibly inflammatory event. It allows us to predict that people are infected before they know it,” said Rob Hirten, author study and an assistant professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine in Mount Sinai.

When it comes to COVID-19, people infected with the disease have less variability in heart rate compared to those who tested negative. The study looked at 300 health workers on Mount Sinai who wore Apple watches for five months.

In particular, Apple highlighted the Mount Sinai study at its “Time Flies” event focused on Apple Watch and iPad, on September 15, 2020.

Another study from Stanford University in California looked at a variety of tracking and fitness activities from Apple, Fitbit, Garmin and other manufacturers.

This research, published in Biomedical engineering of nature, found that 81% of those who tested positive for coronavirus had changes in their resting heart rate.

Like the heart rate variability metric, the researchers found that followers could detect an infection up to nine and a half days before symptoms begin.

According to Stanford University professor Michael Snyder, one of the main advantages of wearable trackers is that users wear them constantly throughout the day. This, Snyder said, could help eliminate some of the disadvantages of standard coronavirus testing.

“Problem [with testing] is that you can’t do it to people all the time, while these devices measure you 24/7. The smartwatch returns your data immediately, in real time, while if you’re lucky, you’ll get the test back in a few days, “Snyder said. CBS.

The team has also developed an alarm system that warns users if their heart rate has been increased for an extended period of time. This could alert people to cancel going out or meeting others in person, as they could be infectious. All of this research could help medical professionals and the public eliminate coronavirus infections, as most cases are spread by asymptomatic people.

“Right now, we rely on people who say they’re sick and not feeling well, but wearing an Apple Watch doesn’t require any active user input and can identify people who might be asymptomatic. It’s a way to better control. infectious diseases, “said Hirten.
