The 2021 Girl Scout Cookie season has finally arrived

scout cookies lined up on a table

I didn’t realize that Girl Scout cookies came in boxes of different sizes
Photo: Girl Scouts / PR

The year has just begun and we are already heading for the best food season of all. Is ripening fruit on a vine somewhere sunny and idyllic? Are the golden fields of oats ready to be harvested, Ma? Without kids. It’s even better than that. It is Girl Scout Cookie Season.

This year, for a strange, terrifying reason, your local Girl Scout band needs to be creative in selling their cake crop while keeping a social distance of over six feet. Normally, I would receive messages from friends with children saying “Dennis, do you want some Girl Scout cookies?” My typical answer is to scream at the top of my lungs as I run in circles, scared by the live shit of our cat, Nugget. Hell, I want cookies. And this year? Damn it. Give me everything.

Alignment 2021 It’s mostly similar to previous years, so expect to see your favorites, such as Coins, Lemonades, Clover (Shortbreads), Caramel deLites (Samoas), Do-and-dos (Peanut Butter Sandwich), Tagalongs Peanut Butter Patties), Caramel Chocolate Chip, Toffee-tastic and Girl Scout S’mores.

toast yay cookies

Toast-Yays !!!
Photo: Girl Scouts / PR

However, welcome a new cookie this year! This is Toast-Yay! ™, which has the flavor of French toast. Does that mean they taste like cream and maple syrup? I will have to find myself, hard, eating them.

The staff of Takeout was intrigued by the name Toast-Yay! ™. Our line of question was extensive: why the hyphen? (We are writers, first and foremost.) Why the word “yes,” complete with the exclamation mark? How do you pluralize it (“Toasts-Yay!”?)? And maybe a young Girl Scout created this mysterious name? Girl Scouts of America submitted this answer:

“The new Toast-Yay! The cookie introduces a fresh and modern appetite to the classic French toast, bringing its delicious taste beyond the breakfast table. The name is designed to be a play on words for “toast”, which evokes the warmth and joy that we believe people will associate with this brand new flavor, inspired by French bread. “Toast” is based on the cookie’s unique toast form and the French toast and “yes!” Attributes. Celebrate Joy – the joy that Girl Scout Cookies bring to consumers and how Girl Scouts create moments of joy as they use their cookie gains to support their communities and donate cookies to front-line workers, and local causes. ”

This answer is perhaps a little less Willy Wonka – essential than I thought, but I guess it all makes sense.

As you can imagine, this year’s cookie sales will be a little different, with more online delivery systems. You can order online through the mobile app (Scouts have come a long way), and now through Grubhub. Limited locations will work Grubhub deliveries, with any order over $ 15, receiving free cookies until February 14th.

If you don’t know any Girl Scouts in person, you don’t have to cry. Researchers have a the nearest troop locator on their website, and any order you place will go through that band, and the funds will go to things like research or donate to a local organization. These orders are open for delivery nationwide from 1 February. And you’ll still be able to see Girl Scouts in person at tables set up outside of retail stores, as usual, according to COVID-19 recommendations in your area.

Something I didn’t really know is that the Girl Scout cookie season runs from January to April. I always thought it was an amorphous time when the mystical Girl Scout Council made a mysterious decision, much like the passing McRib. So make sure you buy a number of cookies at once, which they always do. You can always keep a thin mint sleeve in the freezer for a head-level movement.
