“That was overwhelmingly poignant”: Senators respond to new video evidence of the January 6 attack

Senators from both parties said it was difficult to relive the experience of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol in the new evidence from impeachment managers detailing the movements of rioters. On the second day of former President Trump’s impeachment process, the House’s impeachment managers presented evidence containing security footage not previously seen as part of their argument that Mr. Trump had incited the crowd.

The evidence presented Wednesday showed how close rioters were entering the Senate Chamber while there were still senators. GOP Senator Dan Sullivan said watching the footage made him “angry.”

“We know it was going to be an intense experience, at least for me it brings back a lot of anger,” said Sullivan.

Sullivan’s fellow Republican colleague, Senator Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, said she had multiple emotions as she relived her experience that day with a “more elaborate timeline.” She called it “disturbing”.

“I know I felt in the Senate Chamber when I could hear those voices. I knew what it meant to run down this hallway with my colleagues,” Murkowski added. “I wasn’t quite aware of everything else that was going on in the building. So when you see all the pieces coming together, just the total realization of it, the sheer magnitude of this, this threat, not just to us as humans, as lawmakers, but the threat to the institution and to what Congress represents. It’s troubling. “

GOP Whip Senator John Thune remarked to reporters that it had been a “ traumatic ” day for many of those in attendance, saying the House managers’ presentation was a “ hard reminder of what happens when you let something like this get out of hand. . “

“I think they were very effective. They had a strong, strong presentation which I think is quite engaging,” said Thune. However, he did not say whether he believed Mr Trump was responsible for the events of January 6, although he acknowledged that the managers “connected the points well.”

New security footage from January 6 showed US Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman getting Republican Senator Mitt Romney of Utah to safety before meeting and leading the violent crowd. Romney told reporters it was the first time he had seen the video and did not know it was Goodman.

“Clearly [it was] It is very disturbing to see the great violence that our Capitol Police and others are exposed to, ”Romney said. It tears in your heart and brings tears to your eyes. That was overwhelmingly painful and emotional. “

While acknowledging that the images were difficult to view, some senators insisted the Senate does not have the constitutional ability to impeach Trump. Senator Ted Cruz said the images provided by the House managers were “horrific,” but indicated that he did not believe this argument was relevant to the trial.

“Today’s presentation was a powerful and emotional reliving of a terrorist attack on our country’s capital, but very little was said about how specific behavior of the president meets the legal standard,” said Cruz. However, the managers spent much of the afternoon outlining how Mr Trump’s words provoked his supporters.

Democrats also talked about the intensity of the images.

In a brief statement to reporters during the recess, Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer said he believed the managers’ presentation was “ convincing. ”

“It was heartbreaking. The bravery of our police officers is incredible. It was compelling. And I just hope our Republican colleagues are open to what we’ve seen today. The managers have just made an overwhelmingly compelling case., As far as I’m concerned,” said Schumer.

Senator Mazie Hirono said, “You can’t help but be terribly affected by what happened here.”

‘I want to say to the Republicans,’ How do you live with yourself after seeing all this if you are not going to judge the man? Hirono said.
