Tennis: The nervous Djokovic rekindles the “love affair” with the Australian Open

Novak Djokovic, the Australian Open champion of Serbia, poses with the trophy during a photo shoot at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Photo file. Issei Kato, Reuters.

MELBOURNE – Novak Djokovic likened his relationship with the Australian Open to a “love story” on Sunday, admitting that he feels nervous walking on the field, despite his peak years.

The 33-year-old opens his campaign for an unprecedented ninth title at Melbourne Park and the 18th Grand Slam crown on Monday against Frenchman Jeremy Chardy and is already feeling nervous.

“Every game, every game. Every game,” he said when asked if he was nervous, despite being at his 17th Australian Open.

“I do not want to speak on behalf of other athletes, but I feel that it is almost impossible to eliminate this type of pressure, anticipation, nerves that really enter a match for an athlete.

“It’s just that I’ve been able to train over the years,” he added.

“I think that with the experience and dedication I had off the field for mental training, it helped me to react better to those types of emotions.

“But he’s still there. I don’t think he’ll ever disappear. I mean, especially when the opportunity is high, when you’re playing for the biggest trophies.”

Djokovic won his 17th Grand Slam in last year’s final in Melbourne, when he returned from 2-1 down to defeat the Austrian Dominic Thiem in five sets.

– “Great sensation” –

It was his only major success last year, as he seems to be approaching Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, who are both 20.

The Serb said he hopes to return to Rod Laver Arena to inspire him to another title.

“Well, it’s a love affair,” he said of the Australian Open and its central courtyard.

“I felt more comfortable on the field every year that I come back.

“I mean, the more you earn, obviously the more confidence you have and the more pleasant you feel on the field. It feels good,” he added.

“When I stepped on the field this year for the first time in the training session, I relived some memories from last year, and in the other years when I won the tournament.

“It gives me a feeling, a feeling, confidence.

“We hope it can be another successful year.”

Chardy is his first hurdle in Monday’s session at Rod Laver Arena, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem. They met 13 times and the Serb won them all.

Despite this, Djokovic does not take his opponent easily.

“I haven’t played him in a while now. He’s a very experienced player. He’s been on tour for many years. He has a great service and a great right,” he said.

“But obviously, playing the ATP Cup and having four games, two singles, two doubles, on Rod Laver Arena, I help prepare well for the Australian Open, I think.

“So, it’s a positive thing, obviously, that I already have enough time for the match on the field where I will start the Australian Open 2021 tomorrow night.”

© Agence France-Presse
