Ted Cruz is putting in the money he raises for Georgia GOPers. He is not alone.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) needs your help to keep the US Senate in Republican hands. So screamed a handful of Facebook ads that bought Cruz’s campaign committee this month. But none of them actually raised money for the Republican candidates in Georgia. Instead, every penny donated went straight to … Cruz.

The Cruz campaign bought 15 separate ads on Facebook in the past two weeks, each featuring a video of the senator dramatically evoking the need for two United States Senate seats in Georgia’s election contests.

Gun grabbing, tax increases, open borders and stacking from the Supreme Court. That is the radical democratic agenda if they win Senate elections in Georgia, ”Cruz stated.

He asked for a contribution of five dollars to his new “Keep Georgia Red fund.” But Facebook users who clicked through to the online donation page – and read the fine print at the bottom – would see that the actual beneficiary was Cruz’s own campaign committee, not Sens. Kelly Loeffler or David Perdue, the two Republicans running for re-election in Georgia. .

Cruz is just one of many elected officials from both sides who use Georgia’s competitive – and extremely expensive – decision-making games to raise money for himself. Those officials are increasingly doing that on Facebook, where a political advertising ban was lifted this month that was imposed in late October, but only for ads in Georgia.

That has sparked a wave of Facebook ads calling for Senate competitions in the state on behalf of political candidates outside the state. In some cases, the ads don’t even mention the runoff matches, but instead target users in Georgia in an attempt to abuse Facebook’s state-specific political ad policies.
