Tabloid invaded Meghan Markle’s privacy by publishing the letter: judge

A UK judge has ruled that a British tabloid invaded Meghan Markle’s privacy when she published her emotional letter to her estranged father.

In 2019, the 39-year-old Duchess of Sussex sued Associated Newspapers – the parent company of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday – after publishing excerpts from a handwritten note she wrote to her father. his Thomas Markle in August 2018, after he did not. I didn’t come to her wedding to Prince Harry.

High Court Judge Mark Warby joined the former American actress, finding that “she had a reasonable expectation that the contents of the letter would remain private. Mail articles interfered with this reasonable expectation. ”

Warby ruled that the newspaper infringed his copyright and abused his personal information.

Markle said that “with this comprehensive victory for both privacy and copyright, we have all won.”

The former “Suits” star said that she is satisfied with the decision, which makes the editor responsible “for their illegal and dehumanizing practices”.

A sketch of the courtroom of High Court Judge Mark Warby.
A sketch of the courtroom of High Court Judge Mark Warby.
Elizabeth Cook / AP

On the contrary, the Associated Newspapers said it was considering appealing.

The editor added that he was “very surprised by today’s summary judgment and disappointed that he was denied the chance to have all the evidence heard and tested in public at a full trial.”

While Markle won the privacy and copyright infringement case, the judge said he still wants to determine if she is the sole author of the letter, following allegations that a spokesman helped her. to write it.

Last month, Markle won an offer for a summary judgment from a judge, which allowed him to avoid a highly publicized fall trial.

In May, Warby broke off parts of the royal claims against the newspaper – accusing him of “deliberately agitating” and causing a break-up – finding them irrelevant to his claims of confidentiality and copyright infringement.

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The Royal Courts of Justice in London.
The Royal Courts of Justice in London.
AP Photo / Kirsty Wigglesworth
