Symptoms of the new strain of virus that has already arrived in Mexico and intubated its carrier

Symptoms of the new strain of virus that has already arrived in Mexico and intubated its carrier. Health experts explain in various international media the importance of detecting any new symptoms in both us and our children. Let’s not lower our guard.

It was in the famous British Express medium where it has been exposed that cases of new strains of the virus reach high numbers: the virus is said to be much more contagious. Knowing the main symptoms of the virus is important to slow down or at least slow down the spread.

Many people know the symptoms in adults, but it is important to pay attention to the symptoms that children show, in the British portal mentioned above it explains the fact that children show unusual fatigue. They note that in young children, this can be manifested by seizures and spells.

Headache can be another sign of children, accompanied by fever, which is one of the warning signs of the virus in adults, but a percentage of children have shown it in various investigations, so it is necessary to continue with monitoring .

Sore throat continues to be one of the main manifestations, a sore throat can be a symptom of a cold or flu, but also of the virus that continues to spread. The little ones can’t always express how they feel, so pay attention to each of their behaviors.

The alarming thing about this a new strain of virus is that it is more transmissible and has been the cause of hospitalization of several people abroad, although there are no major manifestations of this variant in Mexico, it is known that the patient infected with the new strain of virus identified in the United Kingdom is intubated.

Now what you already know the symptoms from this new variant of the virus, pay special attention to your body’s reactions and do not be on guard with any family member, children need our attention. Although the first vaccines are starting to arrive, let’s continue to take care of ourselves.

Symptoms of the new strain of virus that has already arrived in Mexico and intubated its carrier

Symptoms of the new strain of virus that has already arrived in Mexico and has an intubated carrier: unsplash

It is important to avoid unnecessary meetings, the most important thing is and will always be your health. Follow the instructions of the authorities and stay informed about the new symptoms of this variant of the virus.

Remember that some carriers are asymptomatic, so do not trust yourself, take care of your health and that of the whole family, the best proof of affection these days is to keep a distance from those we love.
