Super Meat Boy Forever is out now

Dr. Fetus makes a rude gesture in a Super Meat Boy Forever screenshot.

A few years later than planned, the sequel to the 2010 Super Meat Boy hit has arrived. Super Meat Boy Forever is his name, and his game is more difficult to kill on the platform – although this time with an automatic turn.

Your cunning heroes will take care of running themselves, you see, while you focus on jumping, dashing, kicking and trying not to be chopped by the pocket saw. I’ll have to see how this wobbles in reality, but Meat Boy co-creator Tommy Refenes has talked to us before about the desire for two-button controls to make the game accessible, but certainly not to make it easier.

“You don’t have to do like five commands to get out of the way and you don’t have to do the weird weird back and forth to land on a small platform,” he told Katharine in 2019. “We have two buttons that you can associate with anything. I feel that this lowers the entry barrier enough, so we don’t have to do it the easy way. We start with Hard, so our base is as tough as Super Meat Boy and it goes from there. “

Into the a small letter on Twitter, marking the launch today, Refenes said “I couldn’t be more proud of the game I played.”

By the way, the co-founder of Team Meat, Edmund McMillen, is not part of it, since he broke up a long time ago to do his own thing. The next of these is a new Binding Of Isaac expansion based on a huge fan-made way.

Super Meat Boy Forever is now available from Epic Games Store for 16 GBP. It is now on the Nintendo Switch as well. But yes, not on Steam until 2021.

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