Sunday of God’s Word: “A Day of Awakening”

A note issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments provides instructions for celebrating the Sunday of God’s Word.

By Vatican News staff reporter

Pope Francis has established “Sunday of the Word of God” which will take place every year on the third Sunday of ordinary time, with the Apostolic Letter in the form of a Motu proprio “Aperuit illis” issued on September 30, 2019.

The Pope intended it to be a day dedicated to the celebration, reflection and dissemination of the Word.

The importance of Holy Scripture in our lives

A note released Saturday by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and signed by the prefect, Cardinal Robert Sarah, explains that Sunday of God’s Word is a way to help people “reawaken awareness of the importance of Holy Scripture for our lives as believers.” , starting with its resonance in the liturgy, which places us in a living and permanent dialogue with God. “

He added that the day is also “a good opportunity to recite some ecclesiastical documents, in particular Introduction from Order of mass readings. “

The note itself is divided into ten points, the first of which emphasizes that “through the Bible readings proclaimed in the liturgy, God speaks to his people and Christ himself proclaims his gospel.” He points out that “One of the ritual possibilities suitable for this Sunday could be the entrance procession with the Book of the Gospels or simply placing the Book of the Gospels on the altar.”

The document then specifies that Bible readings arranged by the Church in the Lectionary should not be replaced or suppressed and that approved versions of the Bible should be used for liturgical use.

“The proclamation of the lectionary’s texts constitutes a bond of unity between all the believers who hear them,” says the note, which also recommends the singing of the responsible Psalm.


Focusing on the homily, he invites bishops, priests, and deacons to “explain and enable all to understand the Holy Scriptures” and “make it accessible to their communities,” performing this ministry “with special dedication, appreciating the means proposed by the Church.” silence in the liturgical feast is also he emphasized, therefore, that “favoring meditation allows the word of God to be received from within by the listener.”

Regarding those who proclaim the Word of God in the assembly – priests, deacons and readers – the specific note that “specific inner and outer preparation, familiarity with the text to be proclaimed and the necessary practice in the mode of proclamation” are necessary.

He also insists on the care of the pulpit from which God’s Word is proclaimed, and while “the homily and intentions of universal prayer may be proclaimed from it,” “it is less appropriate to use it for commentary, announcement, or song directing.” “

There is also a call to take care of the material value and proper use of “books containing the readings of Holy Scripture,” adding that it is never appropriate to use leaflets, photocopies, and other pastoral aids as a substitute for liturgical books. . “

Training meetings

In order to make the Holy Scriptures and their value known during the liturgical holidays, the Congregation urges the promotion of formation meetings, on or near the Sunday of God’s Word, to highlight in more detail “the criteria for the liturgical distribution of various Bible books during the year. and its seasons, as well as the structure of the Sunday and weekly cycles of readings for the Liturgy. “

Finally, the document identifies the Sunday of God’s Word, where the community holiday of Praise and Vespers is promoted, as “a good occasion to deepen the connection between Holy Scripture and the Liturgy of the Hours, the prayer of Psalms and Songs of the Office, and Bible readings. “

Saint Jerome

It also suggests that St. Jerome be proposed as an example “for the great love he had for the Word of God.”
