Street Fighter V’s Dan Hibiki turns T-bagging into a joke

Never without a word

The legend is back. Today sees the arrival of the Saikyo Style Master, Dan Hibiki, who makes his return to street fighter the franchise as the first character of .sfvfifth and final content season. Capcom has released a launch trailer to remind the world, as if the world needs a reminder, about Hibiki’s incredible martial art skills.

In related news, .sfv players who have already been lucky enough to enter the ring with Dan already find some interesting secrets. As mentioned by @discovigilante, it seems that Hibiki-san brings his love of mockery back like never before and will trigger a picture and verbally boast every time a player repeatedly touches the squat – conveniently disrespectful “T-Bag” maneuver. It seems that, in the true Saikyo style, Dan players are confident and are unlikely to ever get to STFU, but honestly, Hibiki-san would have no choice.

With the arrival of Dan, Season 5 adds a new balance update, as well as the addition of the new “V-Shift” mechanic. With the price of a V-Gauge bar, fighters will now be able to make an invincible comeback, handy for relieving pressure with blocked strings or to attract the opponent’s special. This new technique should offer a little more in terms of defensive options, which has always been lacking in heavy fighting.

Season V will continue throughout 2021, adding DLC ​​characters Rose, Oro, Rival schools“Akira and a fifth character whose identity has not yet been revealed. Also joining the list is the strange, shape-shifting blob, known as Eleven, which takes on the look and set of random moves. .sfv character for each round, testing the abilities of any Street Fighter V expert.
