Stove Soccer: Pedro Aquino is about to become America’s second army

Pedro Aquino is about to become America’s second stronghold for Guard1anes 2021. The Peruvian midfielder is enjoying a certain amount of vacation, despite the fact that he watched as Azulcrema’s new player for the next competition in Mexican football.

However, until December 26, the South American was not formalized as a player of America, what are the details that separate him from being able to stamp his signature on the contract that obliges him as a player of Azulcrema for the next season.

It should be noted that the negotiations have not failed. As we learned in Águilas Monumental, Águilas directors are listening to the offer of the León Club, which would be around 4 million dollars, which progresses satisfactorily but calmly.

American players must appear on Tuesday, December 29, at Coapa, as well as “La Fiera” footballers, if they need to be subjected to PCR tests to prevent them from reaching infected workouts and thus take care not to have regeneration inside the institution.

These are the key days for the Peruvian’s future with America, in which he is expected to confirm in the coming days that Aquino is the second point of consolidation of the team., is also waiting to meet the new coach.
