Sports University: Miguel Seminario assures that the creams owe him about 100 thousand soles | FOOTBALL-PERU

The former player and coach of the minors, Miguel Seminario, declared that the Sports University owes him approximately 100,000 feet for his premature dismissal and so far he has not found a solution in this regard.

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Miguel Seminario reported that it was not evaluated by Sports University, a club he defended in the 1980s and worked as a discoverer of new talent in the minor divisions

“I worked with minors in the university club for more than 12 years and I was lucky to form good careers, they worked very well. I was also a member, a fan, I was a champion with “U”, but, unfortunately, when the administration of Ayar López Cano and Rocío Chávez joined, they decided to remove me for no reason “Seminario broadcast the program “Negrini lo saber” on Radio Ovación.

The juvenile coach said that after being the victim of premature dismissal, he had to sue Sports University and he won it, but they did not reinstate him in his position and since then they have given him almost 100,000 soles and so far there is no time to cancel him

“When I won the lawsuit, Indecopi acknowledged the duty of me and the other workers who died just waiting so long. Here I think the club has money, not for something they bring players who receive 200 or 300 thousand dollars a year. The most unfortunate of all is that they cannot be confiscated either, because they are supposed to be insolvent. I want to be paid because I need this money. “.

