Sorry to report that Pickle Rick is now in the Rainbow Six Siege

Illustration for the article titled Sorry to report that Pickle Rick is now in Rainbow Six Siege

Picture: Adult swimming / Kotaku

Ubisoft has released a Rick and Morty-Theme cosmetic DLC for Rainbox Six Siege today, allowing players to dress in Pickle Rick for $ 20. In other words, I’m done with the world and I’m leaving Earth because, I don’t know, Pluto.

Ubisoft announced this new package of cosmetics yesterday, but it came out today with a trailer presenting the new content. Here’s what’s added to the game, via the Ubisoft news blog:

“The Smoke Pickle Rick package includes the Pickle Rick Rat suit and helmets, the Portal Gun attachment skin and the weapon skin and Pickle Rick Charm. Meanwhile, the Sledge Gromflomite package features the Gromflomite uniform and headgear, the skin of the Federation Defense attachment, a weapon skin for Sledge’s M590A1 and the Rick Charm Seal team. ”

And here is the trailer, where you can see the Pickle Rick costume in all its splendor. You can also see the Gromflomite suit for Sledge, if that interests you.

Each of these packages will cost you 2160 R6 credits. Let’s translate this into human dollars: Ubisoft sells 2670 R6 Credits for 20 USDSo if you don’t have credit and want to become … Pickle Rick, this is the best option. If for some reason you want to both of these packages, the combined cost is 4320 credits. At that time, it is cheaper to just buy 4920 credits for $ 35. No, I have no idea how many “tastes“It simply came to our notice then.

As I mentioned earlier, I will no longer live on this planet. Although this is starting to sound a lot like one of those crazy adventures Rick and Morty would continue, so now I’m not so sure.
