Smash Bros.’s Sephiroth Kirby Ultimate is a sight to behold

Every time a new character is announced, Smash Bros. last fans will immediately want to know the most important detail of all. There are no data on the frame rate or a potential ranking. Not. The audience wants to see Kirby’s version of the new fighter every time.

In this case, almost everyone immediately guessed that Kirby would adopt Sephiroth’s delicious locks. Although it’s zero, surprising about Kirby’s appearance as Sephiroth, it’s still lovely to look at.

Even better, here’s a look at a Sephiroth Kirby vs. Cloud Kirby showdown.

But if you want a more appropriate fight from a thematic point of view, we recommend you choose another Sephiroth Kirby color, as Twitter user KirbyKid did.

Some even compare Kirby’s silver hair to that of Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney’s fame. I can see her a little.

My only complaint is that Kirby doesn’t adopt Sephiroth’s chiseled peach, as they appear in his shirtless version. Now that it would have been incredible.
