Six years after leaving, Michelle Renaud’s mother comforts her after breaking up with Danilo

In the new section of Andrea Escalona was the replacement to “Today” program, apel “Flour, salt and eggs”, where he talks about how to get over the loss of a loved one, Michelle Renaud she was honest about how difficult it was for her, the loss of her mother, madam. Laura Ruesga, who died in 2014 after suffering Cancer, “Few people know what it means lose a mother, in my case I spent 6 years and I can’t tell you that I exceeded it at all, there are times when I let myself cry and there are times when I miss her. “commented on his departure.

Although in some interviews and even in her social networks, Michelle ventured on this topic, in this very personal interview, she confessed that her mother is always with her and the most impressive thing is that in break with Danilo Carrera, as he said, the lady was present through other people to caress her and to cheer her up.

“When I finished with Danilo, it was a strong decision for me … my mother taught me so much with her death that today I feel that I have to live my life to the fullest and obviously I am happy with Danilo, but I want to have more children. When we decided to finish and we loved everything, but it was like: “now!”, that day we said: “I’m going home to be sad and to watch series in which some neighbors put: “what do you think? It was an internet list, they don’t have internet anymore ‘ and Marcelo was with his father and I said, “I mean, I’m going to be very sad.” began to count.

That’s what Hoy said on the show:

However, everything was more shocking when he met the person through whom his mother would speak to him, “It simply came to our notice then I got a message from a neighbor who said: ‘hello, I’m your neighbor from house 1, if you need something from the internet, you can come to my house’, I totally needed to do a casting, I went to her home, I didn’t know her and from there I start talking about things about their relationship that I identified at that moment with Danilo and he said, “hey, you know what? I want to give you 2 books for you to read “and he gave me the books and I said:”what a beautiful woman, do not?’ And I’ll tell you something the books helped me in this process“Canyon”.

The deceased mother Michelle Renaud shows the consolation of Danilo Carrera

“I say, ‘Hey, what a handsome father, what’s your name?’ And he says: “I’m Laura” Yes that was my mother’s name. True moms who find a way to help us further, as I told you, my mother died and a month later I already had my lead role and my mother told me before she died: “you will play more sooner than you think ‘”, she remembered in amazement the ways her mother found her presence in her life.

The deceased mother Michelle Renaud shows the consolation of Danilo Carrera

In the end, Michelle thinks her mother is still alive through her and her family, and although she would love to meet and enjoy her son, she knows he will always be with them, “My mother is still alive through me and my siblings who suddenly changed their lives when my mother died, then we got together and said, ‘Why doesn’t my mother see all the success we have? but at the same time I think she is responsible for this beautiful thing that is happening to us all “, concluded.
