Six Dominicans enter the Panama preselection for the Caribbean Series

The Panamanian selection for the Caribbean Series has announced the players who will form the pre-selection list for the Caribbean Series. Among those summoned are six Dominican players

Professional Baseball League (Probeis) announced the pre-selection of players who intend to participate in previous training sessions Caribbean Series, to choose the players who will represent Panama in the international tournament.

Among those summoned are six Dominican players who could wear the Panamanian team’s jersey for the match against the five champions of the other leagues participating in the Caribbean Series. Panama was the only country in the group that could not run its season due to the effects COVID-19 in the country, so they will be presented with a unique challenge compared to other national teams.

As president of Probeis, David SalayandiaThe team will consist of a combination of national and foreign players who were on the lists of each team that makes up the Panamanian circuit.

The Dominicans who appear on the list called for the Panamanian preselection are pitchers Johan Flande, Willy Paredes and Eury de la Rosa. They are accompanied by the player in the inner box Hector Gomez and gardeners Alexander of Aza and Willy Garcia. All Dominicans appearing on the preselection list played in the winter ball tournament organized by Dominican Republic Professional Baseball League (LIDOM).

Among the group, the most prominent are pitcher Johan Flande, who played eight seasons in Dominican baseball, along with Eastern bulls and Licey Tigers, winning a championship with the former and two with the latter as well Alexander of Aza, which has 10 years of experience in Ligi mari and seven seasons in LIDOM, winning the crown of champion with Eastern bulls.

Hector Gomez also had a long career in LIDOM, playing eleven seasons in the league, winning championships with Eastern bulls And with Eastern stars.

It is recalled that the tournament will take place between January 31 and February 6 with the participation of Mexico (hosts), Puerto Rico, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic, while Colombia and Panama return as guest countries.
