Silvito El Libre dedicates a nostalgic song to his neighborhood in Cuba

| 26/03/2021 – 18:55 (GMT-4)

The Cuban rapper Silvito The Free he dedicated a nostalgic song to his neighborhood in Cuba, where he assured that “need” did not “prevent him from being happy.”

The new song was released on Friday on the artist’s YouTube channel together with his video, entitled “El barrio” and which the artist dedicated to Nuevo Vedado, in Havana, an emblematic neighborhood for Cuban rap.

The artist, who currently lives in the United States, fondly remembered his friends in the neighborhood and his grandmother, from whom he learned “the values ​​that are present every day.”

The rapper recalled his precarious childhood: “little money, but the brotherhood was wasted” and stressed that, despite the “abuse of the Cuban government and police”, he missed the streets of his neighborhood and its people.

“It has been a long time since those days, when I got tired of everything, the abuses of the government, the police, many things that I suddenly did not understand. But I miss the streets and my people and, although I have seen a lot and I know there is still a long way to go, it is necessary to think about the neighborhood, the moments we live, they remind me every day “, Says the choir of the song.

“But we will surely see each other again one day, in a new world without so many cowardly police, to walk without fear, to breathe freedom with joy,” adds another verse on the subject.

Silvito El Libre is known for his rap rebel lyrics that he often shares with the other Cuban rap star Aldo el Aldeano, with whom he composed Diazka in 2019, openly against dictatorship and referring to leader Miguel Díaz Canel.

This is not the first figure in the Cuban government to whom El libre dedicates a song. In 2020, Silvisto had its premiere “Sneak dog like no other“, Dedicated exclusively to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the island, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla.

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