Should Meghan’s public humiliation be resolved privately? Royal sources, of course, hope so.

Illustration for the article entitled Meghan's Public Humiliation Should Be Solved Privately?  Royal sources, of course, hope so.

Photo: Phil Walter (Getty Images)

It’s been almost a year since “Megxit” shook the British royal family, a move that was probably foreshadowed by the October 2019 news that Meghan Markle filed a lawsuit against Associated Newspapers, editor of the Daily Mail and The Mail of the United Kingdom. . The lawsuit alleges a breach of privacy – including copyright infringement, misuse of private information and a breach of the Data Protection Act – following the content of letters from the Duchess to her estranged father, Thomas Markle they were published without the permission of the tabloids, amid what Prince Harry described as a “ruthless campaign” against his wife.

In the months that followed, the case “made a series of hair twists,” he said Sunday Times, Markle’s lawyers will now plead for a summary judgment, which, if accepted, will actually end the trial before he goes to trial. This is the hope of at least one royal source who spoke to the Times, expressing concern that a trial would be “deeply uncomfortable for the institution” of the royal family, as well as for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

“A trial would be traumatic for Meghan and Harry, it will expose the operations of the palace, the staff members would be dragged into it on the witness stands,” the source told the newspaper.

The Times notes that a lawsuit could also require a controversial courtroom meeting between Markle and her father, whom the Times quotes earlier (and somewhat threateningly) as saying, “I’ll see Meghan in court.” If so, it could mean a first face-to-face meeting between Harry and his father-in-law gave up attending the couple’s 2018 wedding at the last minute after joining forces with paparazzi.

Another figure in this legal drama – to be confused with Markle’s former TV series, costumes, is “one of the most trusted lawyers of the royal family”, Gerrard Tyrrell. Providing more information about the events that led to Megxit, the Times reports:

Tyrrell is believed to have joined several Sussex aides in advising against Meghan’s trial, but the couple turned to Schillings, a firm known for its aggressive tactics on behalf of famous media outraged clients.

“Before Harry and Meghan pulled the trigger, we wanted to go through what it would look like if it went all the way. [to trial] and let’s face it, “said a royal source.

But the advice fell on deaf ears; The Sussex gave up royal life in Britain in favor of a “new progressive role” in America.

This new progressive role included a number of audiences and increasingly personal appearances, solidifying the departure of the couple from the protocol of the senior kings. After inking a multi-million dollar development deal with Netflix and settling in a new complex in Montecito, California. with son Archie last week, the couple launched their new podcast on Spotify. A decision on the Markle case is expected this month.
