Severe infection with Covid-19: reduce the risk of regular physical activity, the study says

The Kaiser Permanente study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, looked at nearly 50,000 adults with Covid-19. research found that those who met the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ physical activity guidelines — at least 150 minutes a week of moderate to vigorous physical activity — showed significantly lower incidence of hospitalization, ICU admission, and death due to Covid19 disease.
The guidelines, which are the same as the World Health Organization guidelines used by many nations, are based on research that supports the ability of physical activity to increase immune function, reduce systemic inflammation, increase lung and cardiovascular health, and improve mental health.
With all those benefits that regular exercise brings, it may not be surprising that physical activity that meets these guidelines would also reduce the severity of Covid-19 symptoms. Indeed, acute Covid disease is just one of many potential adverse effects of sedentary behavior, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, stroke and some cancers.
To date, risk factors for severe Covid-19, identified by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, include old age, men, and the presence of underlying comorbidities, such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.

Many of the risk factors listed are difficult – if not impossible – to mitigate, so it is understandable if you feel powerless in the face of some of them. However, the results of this new study could undoubtedly add inactivity to the top of the list. Because inactivity is a modifiable risk factor, you can absolutely control it! Read on to find out how.

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To reach the 150-minute exercise threshold during a week, you need to exercise just under 22 minutes a day. For someone who doesn’t exercise regularly, it might sound a little overwhelming. But 22 minutes a day doesn’t have to mean signing up for a new gym membership, investing in a treadmill, or getting back on track.

With the right strategies, you can achieve your daily exercise goal with very few lifestyle disruptions, which is important in order to support your new level of activity.

Here are five practical and sustainable strategies to help you get into active 22 minutes a day.

Important note: Before starting any new exercise program, consult your doctor. Stop immediately if you are in pain.

1. Take regular walks

Because walking is so accessible, it is easy to reduce its benefits. The reality, however, is that a brisk walk is one of the most underrated health-boosting and fat-burning exercises available to mankind.
If you go with a dog regularly, extending the route is an easy way to get into 22 minutes of activity every day.

I probably already go at least every day. Maybe go to the mailbox or from the car to the office. Would it be possible to add a five- or 10-minute walk through the neighborhood before receiving mail or entering your office?

Do you have a dog that you walk every day? Could you add time to the daily walks of the dogs?

If you’re not already taking regular walks, there’s an activity you enjoy and want to do more often that you can pair with walking, such as talking on the phone with a friend or family member or listening. podcasts, music audio books? By combining an activity you enjoy with walking, it will make it something you look forward to doing more on a regular basis and will make it easier to add walking to your daily schedule.

2. Exercise short activity efforts

Physical activity guides do not specify that you need to exercise in large chunks of time every day. What is important is to reach the goal of 150 minutes each week. You can divide your activities into any time period are the easiest to manage for your lifestyle.

Don't sit still and do these 8 activities throughout the working day - 3 minutes in a row

For people with more sedentary careers, it may be easier to go with shorter exercises. When you divide 22 minutes into smaller blocks of time throughout the day, you’d be surprised how fast time passes.

What if you did six short four-minute workouts? In 24 minutes, you would have two minutes. The same goes for eight attacks of just three minutes of exercise.

If this sounds good to you, check out this article for specific ways to exercise for a few minutes every hour of the day.

3. Train smarter, not harder

When it comes to solving, the standard belief is that we need at least an hour a day. A 2016 study, among others, led many people to believe that the ideal daily exercise goal was 60 to 75 minutes. However, more recent research has disappointed these previous studies, finding that they were based on self-reported data, which were erroneous because people mistakenly remember their actual activity levels.
Strengthen your heart like a professional athlete
Training for 22 minutes a day is more than enough to reach the weekly threshold of 150 minutes. An effective, heart-healthy way to get into those minutes is with a quick workout at intervals, consisting of four rounds of five exercises done for one minute each. These could include bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, knee bends, lunges, hip bridges and jumping jacks. Add a few minutes of heating and cooling and you will easily reach the 22-minute mark.
Fitness expert Dana Santas demonstrates an upward push, which creates upper body strength.
You can learn more about interval training here.

4. Return to the game

When you were a kid, did you play a sport? What were your favorite outdoor activities? Returning to the playful activities of youth, you can add more exercise to your life in a fun and energizing way.

Family workouts that strengthen bodies and connections

If you played basketball at school, could you return to it by participating in an adult league or finding a group to organize regular games? You may have started martial arts as a child, but you never got on your black belt. What is holding you back now? Is there a recreational activity that you and your other friend or a good friend could do together, such as tennis, golf, or cycling?

Or maybe you have your kids doing sports. Could you practice with them? If you are younger playing games like tag or hopcotch, your blood pump will be pumped while you enjoy quality time together. For more ideas on family exercises, read this.

5. Track your activity

Do you really know how much moderate to rigorous activity you have every day? Like the people in the studies I mentioned above who misrepresented and did not report exercise activity, you may be reducing your own activity level.

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There are countless wearable technology options for tracking your business. You might even wear one now. Whether you use technology or an old-fashioned pen and paper, when we track our activity, we not only keep a more accurate record, but take an extra step in personal responsibility.

Responsibility helps us keep track of fitness goals. A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that people walk almost an extra mile a day when using an activity tracker on their phone or watch. And those study participants who had fitness trackers that provided exercise demands did even more.

No matter how you track your fitness – with wearable technology or simply keeping a journal – keeping track of your progress will help you stay on track.

If you are new to regular exercise or have been active daily for some time, see CNN Fitness, but better newsletter, designed to bring you back into the trenches of a healthy and active routine.
