Seth Meyers dismantles Texas Lies “Insanely Obvious” by Tucker Carlson

“It’s been so long, but right now, especially if you look around, it’s easy to feel that almost everything in our country is broken,” Seth Meyers said in his first episode of Late Night after taking the previous week off. “Last year was one of continual unhappiness, dysfunction and chaos – and yes, I know I’m starting to look like Werner Herzog at the top of one of these segments.”

But with more than 500,000 Americans dead from COVID-19 and a continuing power and water crisis in Texas, here we are. And the host spent the next few minutes clashing with Newsmax for his “desperate” attempt to steal Joe Biden’s dog instead of covering the real news and Fox News for constantly pushing the blatant lie that green energy is to blame in Texas.

“Like the clock mechanism, the Fox News disinformation machine started working and blamed the Texas power outage on something that doesn’t currently exist in any form in Texas or nationally, the Green New Deal.” Meyers said before playing a montage of many times Fox anchors hit that narrative, culminating in a Tucker Carlson outburst of “windmills.”

“How would you like a windmill in your yard, to make noise, to cut birds and to suck all your air?” Meyers asked, mimicking host Fox. “How would you like a windmill to move with you and live in your house, eating all your food and drinking all your drink? How would you like the windmill to get suspiciously close to your wife, to the point where they start shopping together without you, leaving you at home wondering what they do at the mall while you do you forget at all the window the chopped birds on your lawn? ”
