Senator Joe Manchin Responds to WSAZ Interview with Vice Pres. Kamala Harris

CHARLESTON / HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) – Following the Thursday night airing, WSAZ’s exclusive interview with Vice President Kamala Harris drew national attention.

On Friday morning, the White House answered questions about the vice president’s performance at two stations – one in Arizona, the other at WSAZ.

The interview even surprised US Senator Joe Manchin, DW.Va.,. Friday morning, Manchin visited one of the COVID-19 vaccination clinics in West Virginia. His visit comes just a day after WSAZ Vice President Amanda Barren spoke about the proposed American Rescue Plan (ARP).

“I saw [the interview], I could not believe it. Nobody called me [about it], ‘Said Manchin. ‘We are going to try to find a two-pronged way forward, but we have to work together. That is not a way of working together. “

During a press conference at the White House, press secretary Jen Psaki answered questions on a number of topics, including the vice president’s performance on two local television stations Thursday.

“We want to make the case to the American people across the country (…) This is one way of doing that,” Psaki said.

Psaki was then asked by a reporter why Arizona and West Virginia were specifically chosen.

“I think [the vice president will] make some additional regional calls and regional interviews, just like the members of the team, ”responded Psaki.

If passed, ARP would give $ 1,400 checks to just about any American. Senator Manchin believes that payments should be targeted.

‘We met [Pres. Biden’s] economic team and they did what they wanted. We said, “Show us the numbers.” Because people need to know. We want to help anyone who needs help, ”said Manchin. “But if someone makes $ 250,000 or $ 300,000, I don’t think he needs as much as someone who makes $ 40,000 or $ 50,000. We’re going to aim for it. “

Two different approaches from the same political party.

On Thursday, the vice president told WSAZ’s Amanda Barren that she and President Joe Biden had run for Democrats, but “we are Americans and we will take the lead as Americans.” Vice President Harris added, “The reason I’m talking to you here in West Virginia is because everyone matters whether you voted for us or not.”

Manchin says Congress has already invested $ 4.8 trillion in less than a year. According to Sen Manchin, that’s more than the entire US budget.

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