Sebastián Jurado was hit by Cruz Azul on day 11 of the U-20 against Rayados

Sebastian Jurado had a bitter farewell to La Noria, because before reporting with the Mexican national team, had activity with the team Under-20 of The Blue Cross and scored three goals in the duel in Day 11 against Monterrey

The car fell 3-1 in the category with three first team players, because in addition to the goalkeeper, he had in defense Alexis Pena and in the media yard with Pablo Ceppellini, the three as beginners in the game that was played this morning on field 1 of The wheel.

The Blue Cross started by winning the match, because just 35 minutes from the game he already celebrated the advantage, thank you goal by Miguel Seseña, which was maintained for the rest of the first half, however, for complement Monterrey took advantage of the defensive errors of the premises to return the game.

Alexis Peña has not returned on the field for the second half, but yes Ceppelini and Jury; In the 54th minute, Rayados had already found the equalizer and already in the final stage of the match, when everything seemed to indicate that the points would be divided, In less than five minutes, the royal team signed the return, with a score at 83 and another at 87 to seal the victory.

In this way, The Blue Cross remains at the bottom of the table Guard1anes 2021, con 11 points in 14th place; Sebastián Jurado, in turn, was not considered in the call for the first team to face Rayados tonight, so Andrés Gudiño will be Jesús Corona’s replacement in Aztec Stadium, While the former Chivas player was included in the list.

Do not forget that Sebastián Jurado will report to El Tri this Sunday to start with the last week of preparation for the pre-Olympic, which will take place in Guadalajara, where he will compete for the property mainly with Luis Ángel Malagón from Necaxa.

(Photo: @cruzazul)
