Sebastián Jurado responds to a Cruz Azul fan who reproaches him for the four goals he received

What began as a reward for perseverance has become a “bullet.” Throughout the development Guard1anes, the vast majority of fans The Blue Cross they were delighted with the staging Sebastian Jurado in the cement arch. The heavenly wish was fulfilled in the second stage of the semifinal, but the reality came to show to the young goalkeeper and to question his continuity as a starter.

After 4-0 at Azteca Stadium, Cruz Azul arrived with a good “mattress” at Ciudad Universitaria to solve the procedure that would be the second stage of the semifinal against Pumas. However, a furtive reaction from the cats and a poor performance from the celestial ones ended with the students going to the Guard1anes final.

“Chuy” did not play that game after giving positive results for COVID-19 in the tests before the match, so the responsibility of defending the fence fell on Jurado’s gloves. The four goals conceded were bad for the fans, who did not show the former Veracruz directly, but did not absolve him of responsibility after the blow that ended with the elimination.

And one of his hundreds of fans on social media announced, and the most cruzazulino Juri came out when he responded to a direct attack in a way that will excite all cement fans. In a post on IG where he congratulated his girlfriend for celebrating her birthday, Jurado received a reprimand from a follower who reminded him of the four goals he received at CU:

Capturing Sebastián Jurado's publication

Capturing Sebastián Jurado’s publication

“And the four cucumbers”, one of the fans in the comment area asks. Without losing control of the situation and showing signs of integrity, Jurado revealed his more heavenly side: “I will be champion with Cruz Azul and I will save this comment, crack”, replied the young porter.
