Rover Perseverance sends the first COLOR images from Mars

Florida, United States /

Team Rover Perseverance, published the first color images of Mars taken from its point of arrival at Jezero crater. In a panoramic view, there is a flat landscape, dominated by a sandy surface from which emerge a few stones and smaller stones. In the background you can see a height in the ground.

In an briefing on the rover’s condition after its first hours on Mars soil, an image taken with a camera installed on the jetpack“- the retro-rocket structure from which Perseverance was thrown tied with nylon cables on a crane. The color photo captures the rover still in the air, just before the wheels hit the ground.

Another image includes a view of one of the rover’s wheels, seated on a sandy surface with stones and loose stones around it. It is interesting to know if they are of volcanic or sedimentary origin.

Perseverance, whose systems are in good condition after the verification they underwent after arriving on the red planet, will look for signs of ancient microbial life, collect carefully selected rock samples and regularly (broken rock and dust) for their future return to Earth, will characterize the geology and climate of Mars and pave the way for “in situ” human exploration.

Their destination is a basin in which scientists believe that an ancient river ran a lake and deposited fan-shaped sediments known as deltas. Scientists believe that the environment here has probably preserved signs of any life that took over billions of years ago.


