Ronaldinho reaches the age of 41, in the middle of health problems

Former world champion and winner of several titles with Barcelona reaches 41, amid a series of personal problems

BRAZIL – Former Brazilian star Ronaldinho He turns 41 on March 21, amid personal issues that affect him, such as the recent death of his mother and excessive alcohol consumption.

Multiple champion with Barcelona, in addition to conquest Korea-Japan World Cup 2002, went through difficulties according to the Brazilian press. The athlete “drinks alcohol from morning until the next day”.

This source said that every day is a party for the athlete, who “starts drinking vodka, whiskey, gin in the morning and does not drink until the next morning.”

The anonymous person assured that this attitude is not current, but that it has intensified since the death of his mother.

Another friend of Ronaldinho He said he is surrounded by false friends, who could harm him in this difficult stage he is going through.

“Not all of his friends are real and he gets hurt a lot,” he said.

This is how one of the best former players of recent years, immersed in health problems, celebrates.
