Roger Stone thanked Trump for a pardon during the exchange at the West Palm Beach club

Roger StoneRoger Jason Stone GOP Senator on Trump Excuse me: ‘It’s legal, it’s constitutional, but I think it’s an abuse of power’ Nothing will be Donald Trump’s presidency like his departure from Trump’s last weeks creates chaos for Congress LAKE thanks President TrumpDonald Trump The New York Post editors are calling on President Trump to “ start thinking ” about Georgia’s run-offs instead of quashing the election. personally for granting full pardon at a brief meeting at the President’s Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday evening.

Stone told The Hill that he saw Trump “ casually ” and that he and his wife, Nydia Stone, each “ thanked him for correcting the injustice of the Soviet-style show trial I was subjected to. ”

Roger Stone declined to comment beyond a statement he released about the pardon last week.

The Daily Mail also reported photos that Stone posted on Parler showing how he interacted with Trump at the club.

Trump spent Sunday night at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach after signing the $ 2.3 trillion in government funding and coronavirus package. The president is currently on regular vacation at his resort in Mar-A-Lago.

Stone, a longtime friend and political adviser to Trump, was convicted by a jury in Washington, DC on seven counts, including obstructing a congressional investigation, tampering with witnesses, and lying to investigators as part of a former special counsel. Robert MuellerRobert (Bob) Mueller Why special counsel is guaranteed if Biden chooses Yates, Cuomo or Jones while AG Barr taps into a lawyer investigating Russia’s origins, while CNN’s special counsel Toobin warns McCabe in ‘dangerous condition’ is with Trump encouraged MORE‘s research.

Stone had been sentenced to more than three years in prison, but Trump commuted his sentence in July, days before he was due to report to prison.

Trump granted Stone a full pardon on Wednesday evening. Trump also recently pardoned four other individuals convicted in Mueller’s investigation, including Paul ManafortPaul John Manafort GOP Senator on Trump Excuse me: ‘It’s legal, it’s constitutional, but I think it’s an abuse of power’ Republican Senator: Trump will ‘be remembered for chaos and misery and erratic behavior’ if he leaves COVID-19 cancel expire Nothing becomes Donald Trump’s presidency as he leaves the MORE, his former campaign chairman, and Michael Flynn, his former national security adviser.

The Mueller investigation ensnared six Trump employees and chased the president’s first term in office. Trump regularly complains about the probe, describing it as a ‘witch hunt’.

Trump last week pardoned dozens with about a month left in the White House, though he continues to refuse to accept Joe BidenJoe Biden New York Post Editorial Board calls on President Trump to “ start thinking ” about Georgia’s withdrawals rather than reverse the election. as the president-elect.
