Rigo Rivas arrived motivated to qualify H in the semifinals: “I’m ready for this challenge and I’m doing a good job” – Ten

Honduras won another weapon for Thursday’s crucial game against Canada. Rigoberto Rivas, the far right held its first training session with Honduras on Tuesday in Guadalajara. After getting off the plane, Reggina from Italy he underwent a medical examination and jumped on the field to be on command.

Rivas arrived in optimal condition, was checked by doctors and, after passing the negative PCR test, joined the national team with the group under high pressure because he managed to knock down the Canadians and seal the ticket for the semifinals Pre Olympic.


“It’s been a very long journey, but I’m happy to be with the group and I’m ready for this rest, to try to play a great role in the next important game,” Rivas of Guadalajara, Mexico began.

Rigo Rivas when he was treated by the bicolor kinetologist, Gerardo Mejía. Photo courtesy Fenafuth

Therefore, Rivas will start the match against the Americans on Thursday (8:00 pm), because the Bicolor needs a shake up in attack after the weak game against El Salvador where an optimal performance was not seen.

“I think it’s important to meet the new teammates, we’ve seen the previous games, there’s a good team and I think we can do things well,” said Colón, who was born in Balfate.

Rivas joined until Monday evening after traveling from Italy because the club, Reggina, no longer granted him loans, as it was based on FIFA regulations. Honduras has four points and leads the group in the goal difference compared to Canada. One draw is enough to qualify for the next round.


“I’m looking at a team from Honduras that creates a lot, is aggressive, has goal balls. We need to improve some things and we can do things well,” said the Italian player Reggina.

With Rivas on the field, one of those sacrificed could be Darixon Vuelta or Douglas Martínez himself, because the player from Reggina can play extremely, and up to “9” as he did in some Serie B games in Italy.

Rivas gave an air of freshness to the Under-23s from Honduras, who will face Canada on Thursday in the third game of the pre-Olympic group.

“We will give everything, it is an important game for us, because it can qualify us. We will go out to look for it and we will try to win. It is important to think about the game against Canada and not the first place in the group,” said the team. national government of Honduras.

U-23 trained at the stadium on March 3 at the headquarters of the Technological University of Guadalajara. There, the group that participated against El Salvador was recovered and they sought to empower the rest so that they could get in a better way on Thursday. Rivas will arrive at the game with two training sessions, enough, because he is already known by the group and the coaching staff.

POSSIBLE 11 IN HONDURAS: Alex Güity; Cristhopher Meléndez, Denil Maldonado, Wesly Decas; Edwin Rodríguez, Kervin Arriga, Jonathan Núñez, Rigoberto Rivas; Luis Palma and Douglas Martínez. DT Miguel Falero
