Researchers predict that the Eastern-style beast could be the meteorological phenomenon this month

It is said that a meteorological event could happen that could trigger another “Beast of the East” and could reach Great Britain at the end of the month. Bring it on, things can’t get much worse.

Researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Exeter and Bath have found that a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event is currently taking place above the North Pole.

The Beast of the East in 2018. Credit: PA
The Beast of the East in 2018. Credit: PA

SSW events are some of the most extreme atmospheric phenomena and can see the increase of the polar stratospheric temperature by up to 50 ° C within a few days. Such events can bring very cold weather, which often leads to snowstorms

The infamous “Beast from the East” from 2018 was brought by an SSW. It can take several weeks for the disorder to surface or the process can take only a few days.

The study, published in the Journal of Geophysical Research and funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), involved the analysis of 40 observed SSW events.

The study’s lead author, Dr. Richard Hall, said there was an increased chance of extreme cold and snow potential in the next week or two.

He added: “Although an extremely cold event is not a certainty, about two-thirds of SSW have a significant impact on surface weather. At this moment, it is difficult to say whether this event will be split or away ”.

Credit: PA
Credit: PA
The weather that brought us the Beast of the East could return
published on4 days ago

Dann Mitchell, an associate professor of atmospheric science at the University of Bristol and co-author of the study, added:

“Even if climate change warms our planet, these events will continue to occur, which means we need to be adaptable to an increasingly extreme range of temperatures.”

Met Office anticipated that we will experience a colder period at the end of the month, but believes that temperatures will not be as low as 2018 – especially the kind that brought the Beast from the East.

Met Office spokesman Nicola Maxey said: “You have two events happening at the same time, so they are fighting against each other in a certain sense. Fighting for influence over the UK, we are a very small point in the middle of the ocean.

“The feeling right now is that we can see some colder weather towards the end of January to February, but probably the kind of weather we see right now, unlike what is popularly perceived as an Eastern Beast. “
