Rescue 120 migrants kidnapped in Mexico with WhatsApp

Mexico City.

A Salvadoran migrant left her country with her daughter five years with the dream of crossing USABut her freedom was taken from her by the ‘coyotes’ who would help her cross the border with a hundred Central Americans.

The group they were in 68 families and 19 minors unaccompanied from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, this weekend thanks to the Salvadoran woman managed to get one message by WhatsApp to an acquaintance to warn her about the kidnapping.

The knowledge of women reported the kidnapping Bee Mexican authorities through Whatsapp, with detailed information from the Salvadoran young woman.

The woman who called herself “the vigilant” On WhatsApp told Mexican police that the kidnapping it happened on April 8th Chiapas, in a remote area of ​​Comitán de Domínguez from which the migrants fwere transferred by a group of kidnappers to Tuxtla Gutiérrez and then they were taken to a hiding place Tlaxcala.

See: Video shows police execution in broad daylight in New Mexico

The hundred migrants what were kidnapped shortly after cross the southern border from Mexico beaten by their captors and who fed them alone Rice pudding.

After a few days of communication from The vigilant‘, a police commander of the State of Mexico managed the 120 migrants qThey were transferred to the facilities of the National Institute of Migration.
