Reports – Tokyo Olympic President Yoshiro Mori to drop sexist remarks

TOKYO – Yoshiro Mori’s long saga seems nearing its end.

The Japanese news agency Kyodo and others reported on Thursday – citing unnamed sources – that Mori will resign on Friday as chairman of the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee.

The movement follows its sexist comments about women more than a week ago and a public debate that followed and rarely in Japan on gender equality,

A decision is expected to be announced on Friday when the executive committee of the organizing committee meets. The Tokyo 2020 Executive Committee is an overwhelming man, as is the day-to-day leadership.

At a meeting of the Japanese Olympic Committee more than a week ago, Mori, 83, said in essence that women “talk too much” and are driven by a “strong sense of rivalry.” Mori, a former prime minister, apologized a few days later after his views were reported, but refused to resign.

This is more than just another issue for the postponed Olympics, which made the risky choice to try to open on July 23 amid a pandemic with 11,000 athletes – and later, 4,400 Paralympic athletes.

More than 80% of the Japanese public in the latest polls said the Olympics should be postponed or canceled.

Mori’s remarks shocked many and highlighted how much Japan lags behind other countries in terms of women’s progress in politics or council chambers. Japan ranks 121st out of 153 in the ranking of the World Economic Forum on Gender Equality.

Although some on the street called for his resignation – several hundred Olympic volunteers said they were retiring – most decision-makers stopped shortly and simply condemned his remarks.

Information from the Associated Press was used in this report.
