Rejection of the majority on digital platforms of a song by Raúl Torres in response to “Patria şi Vida”

8 | 02/03/2021 – 06:02 (GMT-4)

“Homeland or death for life”, the song of Raúl Torres with which the Cuban regime tried to face the success of “Patria y Vida”, has become a YouTube phenomenon. But not for the reasons its creators imagined.

The official Cubadebate platform was tasked with launching the video after announcing it on social networks and previously distributing the lyrics of the song.

YouTube / Cubadebate

The video for the music pamphlet featuring Torres with Annie Garcés, Dayana Divo, Karla Monier and Yisi Caliber has not yet reached 100,000 views, but this Tuesday it already has nearly 15,000 “dislikes” and just over 1,500 likes. Such a proportion is an obvious sign that the official response to the video with Gente de Zona, Yotuel, Descemer Bueno and the rebel rappers Maykel Osorbo and El Funky, did not exactly arouse the admiration of the Cubans.

Armed with a curriculum that includes many songs commissioned by the Cuban leadership, Raúl Torres urgently set to music a poem of his in which there are verses such as: “Make it profitable to throw mud / In this if you do not do so / Make good money dead / I hope you have the funds / To mortgage your time / Because the Revolution / They still have more than 62 millennia “.

In addition to the usual memes and taunts (there are even those who compare it to the sound attacks that U.S. and Canadian embassy officials suffered a few years ago), the song also garners numerous critical comments from users of the networks in which it was revealed.

“Once again a desperate, inefficient and uncreative response,” says one.

“I’d rather be deaf than listen to this … again,” is another opinion.

“Achievement as original as a CDR guard,” says another.

“Mediocre voices and disconnected through a tube, this song is a torture,” writes another commentator.

Almost all opinions are of the same style.

In the meantime, “Homeland and life“With Gente de Zona, Yotuel, Descemer Bueno and rebel rappers Maykel Osorbo and El Funky, it now has almost 3 million views and has grown numerous enthusiastic reactions on and off the island.

Youtube / Yotuel

“Patria y Vida” debuted on February 16 on music networks and platforms, accompanied by a video that became new anthem for the freedom of Cuba.

So far, the song has 143,584 likes and 5,227 “dislikes” on YouTube.

Expression even appeared on the facades of the house and in public places in Cuba, while the government represses those who use it. Some of the most well-known international media echoed the success and highlighted the aggressiveness with which the Cuban regime reacted to it.

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