Reinaldo Rueda was left without time

DT must define on December 31 whether or not to continue commanding the Chilean team. The country’s leaders have issued an ultimatum to coach Valle del Cauca, who is still in talks to take over as coach of Colombia.

The latest known was revealed by the Chilean press: Ramón Jesurún, president of the Colombian Football Federation, met with Reinaldo Rueda let’s talk about the Colombian team, the future of a team that finished seventh in the South American qualifying rounds against Qatar in 2020, which lost to Uruguay in Barranquilla (something that had never happened), and also in Ecuador with a landslide in Quito (the worst in recent history).

After Christmas, there was a rapprochement between the parties, but no agreement was reached with the current coach of the Chilean team. Rueda wants a long project, the opportunity to structure a plan that goes beyond 2022 and that would be one of the obstacles.

On the other hand, ANFP (National Association of Professional Football) and its president, Pablo Milad, a leader who was very calm in the face of the situation, who spoke with Rueda and Jesurún and who never tires of repeating that what he really wants the strategist to be where he feels most comfortable.

However, this kindness does not mean that in Chile they are not eager to solve everything, to see what way to follow with a team going through a situation similar to Colombia. “Rueda’s deadline is until December 31. We need to mark a roadmap in case of his departure and we need to know that as soon as possible, “Milad said a few days ago in an interview with Directv Sports.

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For now, even after the last virtual meeting between Rueda and Jesurún (DT is on vacation) there was no yes on the economic issue and everything was still. In addition, it is known that if he wants to take over the Colombian national team, Rueda would have to pay 1 million US dollars in compensation for the termination of the contract with Chile, money that should come from the FCF houses, which I am not approved by some members of the Executive Committee of the governing body.

And it’s reasonable if you understand the situation the Federation is going through, which in a few months had to cancel the fine imposed by Supersociedades for the scandal of reselling tickets for the qualifying matches heading to Russia 2018 (16 billion USD) and the compensation granted to Carlos Queiroz for his departure (less than US $ 2 million to be canceled).

Another factor that has everything blocked is that Rueda would like to earn the same amount that Queiroz earned per year ($ 3.5 million), a salary that is very high for the Federation given the current financial situation. The parties will continue to discuss and there may be agreement in the next few hours.

“It is normal for there to be disagreements over money in this type of dialogue, but in the end a middle ground is reached, especially if both sides want the same thing,” a source told the media. Let us remember that Rueda was already in command of the Colombian team between 2004 and 2006 and that on that occasion he was left out of the World Cup in Germany by one point (Uruguay won the playoff ticket with 25 units and the tricolor closed the tie with 24).

A very sought after coach

While the Chilean press has been reluctant with Rueda since taking office, the players of the national team have repeatedly said that they support his work. Even Arturo Vidal, the team captain, defended him from attacks, making sure that his work is on the right track, that he knows the group and that he understands the dynamics of each player despite the inconvenience of injuries and absences he had in 2020.

Also, that he was the only one who bet on juniors, a sign that he overcame the immediate results and thought ahead. That is why there is a sector that hopes that it will not leave and that it will continue with what has been agreed. Of course, they also understand that Rueda wants to lead Colombia and that going to a World Cup being the manager of his country’s team is one of his dreams.

In context: FCF denied any rapprochement with Claudio Borghi

Valle del Cauca’s resume generates the empathy and awards he has had in both countries: the third in a U-20 World Cup (the competition that took place in the United Arab Emirates in 2003), two World Cups for seniors ( South Africa 2010 with Honduras and Brazil 2014 with Ecuador), a Copa Libertadores title with Atlético Nacional (2016) and managing Flamengo, one of the most important Brazilian clubs on the continent and the one with the largest fan base in the territory Brazilian.

Rueda can promise a better gift than this for both Chile and Colombia. And that’s why both countries recognize their habits, ways of working and, most importantly, their commitment to people and to the quality of the game itself. This is in the interest of both parties.
