Reddit. Young man quits his job with a grade: get it out, rude boss; viral

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There is many ways to quit the job that we don’t like. However, there are epic ways that have left their mark on the web. For better or worse, one of them went viral on social media, good the The message one woman left saying she would no longer work at work has left more than one woman feeling identified. We tell you how a woman quit her job and why she went viral.

It was thanks to the page Reddit where this event was viralized. And is that a young woman said she quit her job in the United States, leaving a very strange statement. He left a note for his boss He accused her of being “very rude / mean” to her.

The The woman was an employee of a Target supermarket. He said he had decided to quit after his working day. His message was left in an note on her boss’s desk.

“The message I left on my TL (N. del R .: Team Leader) desk after my working day”, The young woman published on December 31.

In the image he shared on the social network, you can see the following message:

“Hey Jordan! Just wanted to let you know I won’t be working tomorrow or next week! Thank you sweetie! – M. PS: I’ll never understand why you were so rude to me”, the young woman wrote in her resignation notice.

As expected, the post generated multiple split responses. While some congratulated her for not enduring assault, there were also those that her being her way of resigning.

“You are an absolute legend”; “Well done. I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you”; “I understand there are circumstances where this may not apply, but anyone considering resigning should give two weeks notice and finish the rest of the remaining days.”, it says in the comments.

What do you think? Do they have to resign on time? Wasn’t it the way? Was it a good idea?

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

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