Reconciliation? Lorenzo Méndez brags about a photo with Chiquis and then deletes it

This Saturday, Lorenzo Mendez caused a stir by sharing on his Instagram account a photo near Chiquis Rivera, raising the suspicion of a possible reconciliation.

In the photo you can see the couple still married, above a snowmobile, wearing ski suits and accompanied her only with an emoji of a snowman and a heart.

His followers immediately began to do so leave messages in which they congratulated the couple for their reconciliation and to be together again.

lorenzo and chiquis

However, a few hours later Lorenzo deleted the photo, which by the way is not current, but from 2019 and instead grew a selfie which is accompanied only by a “Hi“.

In turn, Chiquis he used his account Twitter to send what seems a hint for Mendez.

Everything you do for Careful is the reason why you don’t have mine“Wrote the singer.

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post if the couple has already reconciled, but many believed that Lorenzo uploaded the photo only in attracts attention.

lorenzo mendez
