Real estate agents remind customers who were there to spy, not buy

Real Estate Agent, The Corcoran Group, Bridgehampton, NY

I worked for 27 years as a colorist in Manhattan at some of the best salons on Madison Avenue before entering real estate. These are the people who either have houses in Hamptons or want houses in Hamptons, so it was a very good customer base to use. Many of my hair-colored clients have turned into real estate clients over the years, and this client was one of them.

He contacted me and said, “There’s a house in East Hampton that I’d like to take a look at.” It was beautifully maintained, with a asking price of just under $ 3 million. But the strange thing was that she and her boyfriend specifically told me that they didn’t want a house with a pool and that this house had a pool.

He tied me with a rope to take her to that house to check things out.

– Real estate agent Michael Lynch

Another unusual thing was that she brought a friend with her to see him. Most of the time when I showed her a house, she was with her boyfriend. They had been a couple for some time, probably 10 years.

When I got to the show, the woman who owned the house was just leaving. The two greeted each other a little, but in a very awkward way. After the presentation, I was sitting in the backyard with the salesperson and the customer said, “You know what? I’m just going to turn around and take another quick look before we leave. “

He stayed inside for a few minutes longer than one might think for a quick glance. When we left, she said, “The owner of the house is my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend. That’s why it was a little uncomfortable – I didn’t expect it to be there. ”

I know a little background about this couple and it’s kind of jealous. She was a hair-colored client, and clients tell you more than anyone else would. I put things together and thought, “Oh, I understand now.” I had the feeling that she thought her partner and ex were still seeing each other. He tied me with a rope to take her to that house to check. I don’t think he intended to buy, he just wanted to spy.

I still do my hair color and go to town one day a week to do it. It keeps me in the game.

Ban H. Leow

Real Estate Agent, Brown Harris Stevens, Brooklyn

I had a list for a co-op in Fort Greene. The seller – who did not live in the cooperative and was in no hurry to sell – had a friend who was going through a controversial divorce, with a child and a husband who wanted full custody.

Through the kindness of his heart, the salesman says to his girlfriend, “You know what? I have a place available. Why don’t you stay there and pay only for utilities? ”

We weren’t very nice about it because we’d rather show a free property. But that’s what the seller wanted, so I said, “OK, just so she knows we need access to show the apartment.”


Sol Cotti

Then I get a call from a gentleman who said he’s interested in buying the co-op for his daughter. He says, “I won’t be able to get to the show, but I’ll send my daughter.” I said “Sure.” It looked authentic.

The daughter came to see the cooperative. I didn’t suspect anything until two weeks later, when we were sent a subpoena and told to go to court. It seems that the “daughter” was a private investigator sent by her husband to report the living conditions of his ex-wife. He filmed everything in the apartment. I didn’t know, but she had a secret room during the show.

Because the apartment was a temporary residence and was not fully furnished, the husband used it against his mother, such as: “Our son was put in a very bad situation.”

And I’m responsible for being the listing agent. He said there was evidence of other things: the books he claimed were sent by a boyfriend.

When I told the salesman, she was livid. She called her husband and threatened to sue him. After this happened, his lawyer told us not to go to court. But I took the cooperative from the market, because who knows what else it could do?

The couple went to court and had joint custody. About a year has passed and the seller says that maybe he will put the cooperative back on the market in the spring. If people come up with a pretext, we can’t control it. We must follow the correct housing rules.

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