Ray Fisher confirms that he was removed from the Flash movie

The illustration of the article entitled Ray Fisher confirms that he was removed from iThe Flash / in the middle of the fight DC Films

Photo: Tim P. Whitby (Getty Images)

The battle between Justice League star Ray Fisher and DC Films president Walter Hamada hit another … What, tip? Nadir? Conflict hypnotism? Choose tonight, while Fisher announced that he has been officially removed from a planned appearance as Victor “Cyborg” Stone in Andy Muschietti’s long gestation Flash movie. It comes, not entirelyPredictably, after a statement Fisher made at the end of last year, in which he he said he would he refused to work on any film produced by Hamada, and Hamada is still firmly established at DC Films, so yes.

In a long and passionate post on Twitter, Fisher presented his problems with Hamada in the clearest language so far, accusing him, in a phone call in June, deliberate ignorance and an attempt to downplay the actor’s problems with former DC Films boss Geoff Johns, whom Fisher has accused, along with producer Jon Berg and director Joss Whedon, of racist and abusive behavior over time filming of Justice League. This phone call – which also included a “self-insensitive joke” about Hamada in Fisher’s description, hoping not to reach Fisher’s Twitter –it seems to have been the source of Fisher’s later claims that Hamada had “happily thrown away [Whedon and Berg] under the bus ”in favor of Johns, who was himself pushed back by a statement from Warner Bros. in September.

Of course, most of the above is old news in this long story and often infuriated by the vague. However, here things get a little juicier: Fisher continues to accuse Hamada of deliberately covering up Johns’ behavior, including allegations of manipulating the lengthy investigation into the filming of the film, which ended last month, but which we, in public, were not aware of. In his statement, Fisher – who is supposed to It has I saw the conclusions of the investigation …claims that the investigation “He was able to expose Geoff Johns’ racist, coercive, discriminatory and retaliatory behavior during his tenure with WarnerMedia affiliates,” and said it “led to a more immediate split between WarnerMedia and Joss Whedon.” Again, I didn’t see any of the results of the investigation – all I got at the time was WarnerMedia mentioning this. “remedial action” had been taken …but the chronology do what free map at Whedon leaving abruptly series on HBO Max Nevers back at the end of November 2020.

Fisher concludes his statement by calling Hamada “unfit for leadership” and declaring his willingness to take a polygraph to support any of his claims. WarnerMedia and DC Films have not responded so far – or even confirmed, for now, that Fisher has left the film, although it would be he is supposed to be working on plans to write it flash for a while.
