Raúl Jiménez’s injury caused a “shock” in Arsenal, Arteta recalled

Mexico City /

This Tuesday, Wolverhampton will face Arsenal on the 22nd a First league, a game that will generate emotions found in Raul Jimenez whereas it was before that rival where he suffered a fractured skull after a severe head-on collision with David Luiz.

Asked about this, Mikel Arteta, technician al Throw it away, he remembered how hard the moment was he saw the Mexican striker lying, for which he will ask his teammates during the confrontation.

“The first, it will be good to ask how he feels“Arteta said in a pre-match conference.”It was a big shock to everyone when the incident happened, “he recalled.

Since then, Jiménez has not been able to play or even play it is not known when he will return to court, although he is already in the rehabilitation phase, confident that he will reappear during this season, as indicated Nuno Espírito Santo, club coach.

On the other hand, Arteta pointed out that it is a very complicated season not only because of the pandemic, but because of the multiple injuries that affected different teams.
