Rafael Inclán, from the mufflers to Ripstein

Rafael Inclan is an important part of national cinema, theater and television, although he never wanted to be an actor. His passion was bulls and horses. Rebellion and lack of money led him to enter the world of entertainment and move from being a mufflers to working Arthur Ripstein.

“She was lazy. My brothers studied “, he admits in his characteristic cunning tone. “I wanted to fight or be a rejoneador, but the meeting for a horse was impossible and in that search I lost a lot of time, I got married very young. My mother, more than my friend, was my enemy at the time and there came a time when she told me that since I didn’t want to study, at least I was an actor. “

Today is his 80th birthday. He is one of the most remembered exponents of the call cinema files by Alfonso Zayas, Luis de Alba and red horse. In contrast, he knew how to jump into a “more serious” cinema, as he defines it. “Any of my colleagues could have made the leap, some tried and didn’t work, it has to do with humility, maybe in ficheras cinema we were the stars and in the other we wouldn’t be,” he says.

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Intuition has helped you throughout your life. The one that determined him to do other types of roles before the ficheras cinema disappeared: “The genre was exhausted because it was abused, it was outdone, both the producers and the actors and even the audience. I had a certain nose to anticipate what was to come, I knew this cinema was going to end and I tried to make the leap before it happened ”.

For years, it has been said that these types of productions were one of the darkest periods in the industry. He refuses to believe, saying it is a stage in Mexico where the public has asked for it.

“I always say that it harmed the national cinema, but I ask: did this affect the Almada brothers as well? Indian movies Maria? Those from Cantinflas? There were genres that sold a lot, it was fun. The comedian, the attractive woman and a bastard have been around all their lives, in the files the bastard was the pimp. They said it was strong content, but now you see the shores of Acapulco and you realize that what I was doing was nothing compared to that. What I don’t understand is that the files were not prostitutes “.

The leap to “serious cinema” was not so easy, but a struggle that lasted a decade. Recalling that moment, Inclán confesses that at first he scared him, because he did not know if it would work in him or if the directors would bet on his work.

“It simply came to our notice then. I said he works less because we work in cinemas every day. Working with Ripstein was my insistence, I looked for him for 10 years, he directed a soap opera in Televisabecause the cults also have to pay the rent. I was in the soap opera, but it never detached me. One day, in Madrid, watching a zarzuela, my son and I came across him on a break. I approached him and told him that if he didn’t have a role for a comic book file, he said, “Maybe.”

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A few months later, Ripstein came to one of his films and gave him a role, which Inclán turned down because of the contracts he had prevented him from doing.

“I met him in a park 10 years later. He was researching and I jumped on him. I told him that I no longer have contracts, that I am no longer a Mufflers and I do not have a leading role, let him give me a job ”.

This led to the feature films The Gospel of Wonders (1998), The Colonel Has No One to Write (1999) and Perdition of Men (2000), an award-winning film with La Concha de Plata at the San Sebastian Festival. This award was also joined by Ariel, who won Best Actor in 2004 for her role in the film Nicotine.

Despite these acknowledgments, Inclán considers that part of its validity is based on humility, as it has never been considered a prodigy of action. “I was not a miracle child or anything like that, despite the fact that I was an artistic family; When you’re not very smart, you get married young, you ruin the other person’s life, so I had to fight hard for the entrepreneurs to realize that it worked. In my time, the public did not place you, but the entrepreneurs “.

Inclán turns 80 in his current melodrama. What about my family ?, with a wife he has just been married to for two years and a 20-year detour. He says he never managed to count the years, the money or the recognition and the tributes, because he doesn’t believe in them much. The only thing you want to keep having calls and the affection of your people.

All types of land

The actor made 23 tape cassettes with Sasha Montenegro.


He won Ariel for Best Actor for Nicotine (2003).


The Gang Family (2014) headlined the return of Armando Casas (A Strange World).


La Promesa (2018) is his latest film.




Inclán worked with Ripstein in the 1998 Gospel of Wonders.

178 PRODUCTIONS Rafael Inclán has evolved in his acting career, according to the IMDB website.

The files, from the beginning of the 20th century

files they were the substitutes for the people who attended the cabaret. In the WWII, in Tijuana, sailors came to the northern city of the country to have fun for a few days.

Necessary comrades arrived alone, attractive women were available to have a drink with the sailors.

The sailors invited them to drinks that usually did not contain alcohol, but sold them as if they had done so. They gave the women a token for each drink they were invited to, and the card took a commission for each that was exchanged at the cashier at the bar or brothel.

Sometimes the files had sex with the client, but this was not included as part of the symbol.



“I’m not celebrating, better joy. I appreciate the affection of my friends and close friends, whom I still have because, at my age, many have already left. The biggest compliment is to have a phone call.”. Rafael Inclan. Actor.
