President Biden has issued a masked warrant, which applies here

Some of the first executive orders signed by President Joe Biden are directives that require masks to slow the spread of coronavirus in this country. Orders, one on federal property and one on travel, are limited to locations and people controlled by the Biden administration.

In addition, Biden urges all Americans to wear facial clothing for 100 days, with the idea that a concentrated effort for this time could help limit the spread of coronavirus as vaccination efforts increase.

Here’s a look at how Americans can be affected by the new executive orders:

Local travel

There is now a federal mask requirement that applies to airports, planes, ships, and many intercity buses, trains, and public transportation.

Although airlines, Amtrak and other modes of transport already had individual or regional mask requirements, the executive order makes it a federal requirement and helps stop any room locally.

There are still unanswered questions about how this order will be implemented and in what ways transport, exactly, are covered.

International travel

Travelers coming to the US from another country must take a negative COVID-19 test before heading to that country and then quarantine upon arrival.

Federal property

Masks and social distancing efforts are now needed on all federal properties and federal lands. This includes places like federal courts, the FBI, or other federal agency buildings both in DC and across the country, as well as national parks and forests.

While regional or state mask mandates have informed local decisions in these locations, the federal mask requirement helps ensure consistency of federal property requirements.

Federal employees

All federal employees and contractors must wear masks while on federal property or otherwise at work.
