Pregnant? Christian Nodal kissed Belinda on the stomach

An image once again places the famous couple of the moment in the target of comments, Belinda and Christian Nodal They gave something to talk about after a picture. Could it be that they finally decided? They raise suspicions of pregnancy!

An image that has been circulating in recent days has caused a stir after Christian Nodal appeared consenting to his famous boyfriend Belinda, in a very particular way, kissing his belly, which immediately sparked speculation about an alleged “task“.

Everything was derived from a few photos in which the regional singer appears with his head resting on the belly of his girlfriend, the famous pop star, Belinda, or so the fans thought.

Immediately, postcards went through the internet, social networks, so many fans wondered if there was a possibility that the couple would soon become parents?

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Is it Belinda?

In the circulating snapshots, the interpreter “Goodbye love“Leaning on the lap of a woman who looks like Belinda, who stares at the camera while holding her head in a very tender way.

However, what is really happening is that there was confusion, because contrary to what they thought was not the performer. “Beautiful betrayal“.

The woman in question is Christian Nodal’s sister, Amely González Nodal, who looks the most angelic in these images in which, without a doubt, she bears a striking resemblance to the famous star of the scene.

The sound artist’s sister appears without a drop of makeup and with her hair longer and lighter than Belinda’s, this did not stop them from being confused.

It should be noted that this is not the first time this has happened, since the identity of Belinda’s boyfriend’s family was revealed. no one has ever mentioned this detail. Which didn’t happen for fans of the “pretty stupid girl” either.

This has also triggered some versions about the bad and null relationship that would exist between the two and is that apparently neither of them is appreciated, there is also the possibility that it is only the product of rumors or not still have the opportunity to meet good.

Meanwhile, there is not a day when Beli and Cristian Nodal do not give a reason to talk, because they have become one of the most popular couples in the show, and their followers can’t wait for something magnificent to happen between them.

As they have shown on several occasions, they are united by an extraordinary feeling and frequently share several expressions of love in front of the public, which has given rise to countless conjectures about a future together.

Nodal himself would have been the one who in past interviews would reveal his desire to be a father and have many children, in addition to stating in some discussions that “Belinda was the woman he wanted to marry.” , this at the beginning of the relationship with the artist of Spanish origin.

Now, fans of both would expect two important news, a wedding or a pregnancy and images like these that fuel suspicion.

Can you read Will it be Belinda? Uncertainty in “La Voz Kids”, gave positive results!

The postcards were taken from an Instagram account and both Nodal and his sister look very cute, so it was not strange that at some point they will think they are pictures next to the singer.

One of the images that raised suspicions. Instagram
