Police confirm that the young man found dead with a sign is responsible for killing the agents

Police confirmed this afternoon, in a press conference, that David Emanuel Rivera Batiz, whose body was found yesterday in Santurce, was the perpetrator of the shooting that ended the lives of the three agents last Monday in Carolina.

Rivera Batiz, 25, had been identified as a native of Ponce and was found on Calle San José, an intersection with the marginal Muñoz Rivera with a sign that read, “I am responsible for killing the guard … Here he is.” .

“Today we will present you with photos linking the person who was found in the Santurce area, as well as the person responsible for committing these crimes,” said Police Bureau Commissioner Antonio López Figueroa.

Agents Luis Salamán Conde, Eliezer Hernández Cartagena and Luis Marrero Díaz were killed by Rivera Batiz, who silenced the agents in an event that began as a vehicle intervention in front of the Mundo Feliz condominium.

He allegedly stole a white Hyundai Accent from where he opened fire with a rifle at officers.

López Figueroa added that “without a doubt” he is responsible.

The Commissioner assured that this investigation will continue due to possible additional evidence that may arise.

Police conducted two rounds of confrontation with photos that allowed identification.

Rivera Batiz was a member of the FARC in Ponce and police have confirmed that he is linked to the murder of Pinky Curvy last October.

The young man’s mother was the one who identified his body in Forensic Sciences after she was found at dawn on Tuesday.

According to the authorities, “there was never any doubt” that he was the culprit.
