Play Boy Mansion: Orgies, drugs, envy and suicidal thoughts, will be revealed in the new series based on the memories of Holly Madison | THE IMPARTIAL

UNITED STATES.- After the scandal that broke out in 2015, when the former playmate Holly Madison, expose your ex-partner Hugh Hefner In her book “Down the Rabbit Hole”, Sony announced that the story will take her to TV in a series.

According to the Daily Mail, the program was based on Holly’s book and the life she led as a “bunny” in the Play Boy mansion, where women were supposed to take drugs and have sex.

In Holly Madison’s 41-year-old book, she revealed how young women were given drugs, especially “Quaaludes,” a drug considered a nervous system depressant that triggers euphoria and drowsiness.

Moreover, they were encouraged to participate in regular orgies with Hefner in exchange for a rental at the luxury mansion.

The Buzzfeed portal published an interview in which Madison told how the so-called “Bunnies” had group sex, twice a week, with the founder of the most famous men’s magazine in the world.

“They knew it was a kind of requirement, in quotes, to live there and they expected it. And I felt like he had some kind of homework environment. ”he declared.

Actress Samara Weaving from “Home and Away” will play Madison in the Sony series.

Holly: The longest couple with Hugh Hefner

Holly Madison was the woman who had the longest relationship with the founder of Play Boy magazine, after moving to Hugh Hefner’s mansion in 2001, when she was 21 and the man 75.

The Daily Mail reported that during her years with Hefner, Holly became one of the stars of “Girls Next Door,” a reality show that revolves around her and Hefner’s other two friends, Bridget Marquardt and Kendra Wilkinson.

At the time, Madison was considered a “main girlfriend” and openly said she wanted to marry him and have children, but ended up separating from Hefner in 2008 after escaping “Stockholm Syndrome.” by itself.

Holly reportedly said when she was in the mansion that she was enduring a “living hell” during which she had considered suicide.

First night with Hefner

In the book “Down the Rabbit Hole”, Madison details her first sexual encounter with Hefner, in 2000, which took place after a night spent with the friends of the man who died at the age of 91 and who gave her a Quaalude pill.

“I don’t usually accept drugs, but you know, in the ’70s, they called these pills’ thigh openers.'”, the businessman would have told Madison.

After that, Hefner took her to the mansion and Holly assures that the “bunnies” had to have lesbian sex in a room, being under the effects of the drug mentioned above, while the man masturbated where pornography was also reproduced. .

The orgies took place after club nights every Wednesday and Friday, and the girls also had to go out and give up their regular jobs.

“I could not leave because I felt that they would judge me for living there. He had a huge scarlet letter on his forehead. “Holly said halfway.

She said Hefner also made regular comments about her appearance and never allowed her to see a therapist when she began to have mental health problems, leaving her on the verge of suicide.

After Madison left Hefner, Hefner married model Crystal Harris in 2012 and died in 2017 at the age of 91.

On this note

  • Play boy
  • Mansion Play Boy
  • Sony
  • Play Boy Series
  • Hugh Hefner
  • Holly Madison
