Platense won the Marathon in Excelsior and climbed to first place in the northern group – Diez

On an afternoon of terror for sampedran, Platense won 5-3 at Marathon at Excelsior Stadium in a duel for the 4th date of the tournament Closing of 2021 in Honduras.

Ilce Barahona at 17, Byron Rodríguez at 24, Dabirson Castillo at 39 and a double by Yerson Gutiérrez at 31 and 43 scored for Selaci. For the greens, Kervin Arriaga scored in 33 and Carlo Costly in 52 and 90 + 2.

With this result, the Selacians became temporary leaders with 7 points, waiting for what happens between Honduras Progreso-UPNFM and Real España-Vida. The emeralds are the penultimate of the group with 4 units.

Clock Tables of general positions and Closing in the SalvaVida League

First half on Excelsior

The meeting started with two teams with high speeds. Aldo Fajardo was shown a yellow card after 3 minutes for slicing down an opponent.

Marathon He tried his head deflected from Frelys Lopez and a shot of Ryduan Palermoor what happened while kissing fasting. Then he fell into a lethargy from which he awoke very late.

Ilce Barahona opened the scoring for porteños in the 17th minute with a free kick that crossed the barrier and caught badly Denovan Torres.

They did not recover from the first blow when on the 24th, in an exit from Mathías Techera, they stole the ball and Ilce Barahona leaked a ball to Byron rodriguez who with a tip to the right left Denovan stretched and centered for the second goal.

The emeralds immediately made a change; Yaudel Lahera introduced by Mikel Santos. But four minutes later, Luis Vega committed a criminal foul against Yerson Gutiérrez, and the coffee maker on the spot placed third.

Kervin Arriga aroused hope in sampedranos. At 33 heads he reduced the distances. But six minutes later they received the fourth blow.

At a corner kick at 39, Ilce sent it to the first post and Dabirson Castle He took advantage of a negligence of the defense to return the fourth goal from Buenos Aires.

Before the end of the first half, Yerson signed his double and made the transition 5-1. The green went to rest dancing and crushed.

Costly scored a double, but the green didn’t adjust

In addition, porteños lost their dominance in midfield and Marathon managed to shorten the distances.

Carlo Costly at 53 scored a penalty after a foul by Héctor Arana against Frelys Lopez.

Platense was left with 10 men due to the expulsion of Víctor Arauz at the age of 65 and it seemed that the Marathon would be a water channel, but it was not so. Time elapsed and on the left Costly left 5-3 final.

The end Marathon He left many doubts and worries in his fans. His next match will be against Honduras Progreso and he will have to correct the shortcomings, mainly in defense and attack.

Minute review by Platense Vs. Marathon in Excelsior
