Pet food mentioned after the death of at least 28 dogs

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recalled certain varieties of Sportmix pet food due to toxic aflatoxin levels. Regulators said on Wednesday they were aware of at least 28 dogs that had died from toxic mold and at least eight that had been sick.

Alfatoxin is produced by a mold that can grow on corn and other grains used as ingredients in pet food. The Missouri Department of Agriculture tested Sportmix and found very high levels of the toxin.

Symptoms of alfatoxin poisoning in pets include slowness, loss of appetite, vomiting, jaundice and / or diarrhea. Those whose pets have consumed Sportmix products are advised to call their veterinarian, especially if the pet has symptoms.

According to the FDA, there is no evidence that people who handle food are at risk for alphatoxin poisoning. For more information on recall, click here.

In October, the pet food company Sunshine Mills Inc. expanded its recall for products that may contain high levels of alfatoxin.
