Pence will break up with Trump and attend Biden-Harris’s inauguration

US Vice President Mike Pence.

Photographer: Erin Schaff / The New York Times / Bloomberg

Vice President Mike Pence will attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, breaking the ranks with President Donald Trump, who said he would not be attending.

Pence plans to attend the Jan. 20 event, according to two people familiar with his plans who asked not to be identified while discussing internal considerations. Trump said in the latest tweet before his account was suspended by Twitter on Friday that he “will not go to the inauguration.”

On Wednesday, the vice president defied Trump’s call to reverse the election and instead fulfilled his ceremonial duty to chair Congressional acceptance of the Electoral College results.

During the proceedings, an angry mob of Trump supporters descended on the Capitol and overtook security, stormed into the building and forced lawmakers and others to evacuate. Five people were killed in the fight, including a police officer.

On Friday, Biden said, speaking to reporters, that he agreed that Trump would not attend the inauguration, but that Pence was “welcome,” and would be honored if the vice president were present.

“It would be an honor to have him there,” Biden said.
